To continue delivering high quality learning to students who have been accepted on to OxNet 2020-21, we have taken sensible steps to protect students and OxNet staff. We decided that OxNet would run entirely online this year; study day and access week, which would ordinarily take part at Pembroke College, Oxford has now also moved online to ensure the safety of students and abide by government social distancing guidelines. Nonetheless, OxNet staff have worked tirelessly to ensure that students get a similar experience to that of students from previous years. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us, should you have any questions.

OxNet Programme 2020/21
Study Day: Wednesday 3rd February
Seminars will take place on Wednesday evenings, 6-7.30pm.
Seminar 1: 10th February
Seminar 2: 24th February
Seminar 3: 3rd March
Seminar 4: 10th March
Seminar 5: 17th March
Seminar 6: 24th March
Easter Essay Competition:
TBC - please keep Easter free. We will be in touch very soon to confirm dates.
Access Week: 2nd - 6th August
All parts of the programme are compulsory. If you later inform us of a holiday or extracurricular activity which clashes with OxNet, your place on the programme may be forfeited. However, we will take into account unforeseen or extenuating circumstances such as illness, bereavement, field trips or exams. Students must inform the relevant OxNet Coordinator of these absences as far in advance as possible.